Emotionally Disturbed Persons and Motoshot
Article written by Glen Hartman September 30, 2019
How would you move the training to the next use of force level?
MotoShot can offer officers the opportunity to engage a simulated Emotionally Disturbed Person (EDP) and resolve the situation without shooting the subject if that is what is intended by the instructor. Once the officer has spoken the magic words, the conflict is over; if not, the officers can escalate to the next level of force to de-escalate the situation.
MotoShot can be exposed to chemical irritants or an ECD and be unaffected.
Also, if the instructor wants, he/she can remotely drop the weapon on the MotoShot to end the scenario. Officers can be confronted with the MotoShot in a variety of settings, for instance, in a hallway of a residence, outdoors moving into a crowd of bystanders, or on a sandy or rocky firing range. Only the imagination of the instructor can limit MotoShot’s effectiveness.
Article written by Glen Hartman, September 30, 2019
Glen Hartman has a lifelong commitment to public safety. He currently serves as Firearms Instructor, Rescue Dive Team Coordinator, and Patrol Sergeant Hudson Police Department. In addition, Glen has accomplished some notable achievements such as Defensive and Arrest Tactics Instructor, Chemical Irritants, Percussive Devices, and Less Lethal Instructor as well as being FBI trained in active shooter and digital video recovery, just to name a few.