MotoShot and Incorporating Ballistic Shields Into Training
The important training factor is that police agencies must use ballistic shields in both their live/range training exercises and in simulation training areas to help get officers more comfortable in the use of the shields.
Let’s look at training in the use of the shield and how we can replicate the proper use of shield work while also dealing with multiple threats and multiple targets. A critical exercise we perform with our tactical units is room entry using the ballistic shield. This is not to say it only applies to tactical teams.
Room Entry Work and the Shields: A primary exercise performed on our firearms range is basic room entry using MotoShot. We incorporate MotoShot as a moving “obstruction” target to help officers move to their assigned responsibilities in the stage room entry area. The MotoShot can be positioned with the main target focus away from the police officer, where they cannot see the specific target. As they make entry other colored, stationary/static targets are provided.
Upon entry, officers will be provided a simple stimulus of the color that identifies the use of force threat. As they focus on the multiple targets in the room and the verbal stimulus, MotoShot can be moved from left to right becoming a potential obstruction and a shoot-don’t target. Upon turning the target on MotoShot, it then presents itself with a designated color (or can be a color situational target) at which time officers must address it accordingly. As you can see in our video, some officers making entry are immediately addressing threats while some of the other officers have not made a full entry into the room yet. This creates a good reality of how an actual entry may occur, with not every officer being able to shoot. This helps in officer training in what we call “avoiding contagious gunfire”. Not everyone may be shooting due to an actual room and hallway layout. MotoShot can function as another visual stimulus with actual movement making officers make their use of force decisions.
*Please note, when we conduct these exercises, we always perform the range portions dry, and no live ammunition is introduced for the first few repetitions. This is due to many officers even on SWAT teams doing this for the first time. *
The important training factor is that police agencies must use ballistic shields in both their live/range training exercises and in simulation training areas to help get officers more comfortable in the use of the shields.
If you have any questions or would like a quote – contact us today.
The article was written by Jose Medina October 2021