MotoShot: Hands on Engagement

MotoShot: Hands on Engagement

As you know MotoShot is an outstanding training tool for firearms. MotoShot is also an outstanding platform for Taser and civil unrest/less-lethal munitions and of course, chemical irritants or AKA pepper spray.  But what about going hands-on with MotoShot I’m not talking about decentralizing the robot and literally knocking it to the ground, but what about using an impact weapon on the robot? What about striking the robot in the chest with your hand? For example, as you are unholstering your weapon you strike the robot with your hand which is a common technique we employ to gain distance on an adversary.

With the introduction of the auto-reset feature in the MotoShot robot, this provides another training option for police officers. In the past, I have written about pushing the robot back but that was before the auto reset feature. At that time, you could reach up and push the robot back, but it would not react. However, with this new feature the operator of the robot can collapse the robot to react to a baton strike, pepper spray, Taser or simply punching the robot in the chest. The operator can with the remote, cause the robot to collapse, advance on the student or to flee.

The more response options you employ the more realistic the training becomes.

Regardless, the more response options you employ the more realistic the training becomes MotoShot has always had the ability to react to Taser, pepper spray, or firearms but in the past, it lacked the ability to react to physical engagement. With the new auto reset feature that has changed. The auto-reset feature now affords the student more reaction scenarios than ever before.

If you have any questions or would like a quote – contact us today.

The article was written by Glen Hartman February 2022

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