Safety First


1. Treat all firearms as though they are loaded.
2. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have decided to fire.
3. Point the muzzle in a safe direction at all times.
4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.


1. Always obey the Firearms Safety Rules listed above.
2. Always wear hearing protection and wrap-around shatter resistant eye protection
3. Always stand at least 25 yards from the target when using handgun calibers.
4. Always stand at least 100 yards from the target when using shotgun slugs.
5. Always stand at least 100 yards from the target when using rifle calibers like .223 and .308.
6. Never use rifle calibers on handgun rated targets.
7. Never use ammunition that exceeds 3,000 feet per second at the muzzle.
8. Never use ammunition that travels below 750 feet per second.
9. Never shoot BB’s, steel shot, or air gun pellets at steel targets.
10. Never use more powerful ammunition than the target is rated for.
11. Never shoot on steel that is cratered, pitted, or damaged in any way.
12. If shooting multiple targets, angle of engagement should not exceed 20 degrees.
13. Use only non-toxic paint on steel targets.
14. Inspect all targets before using for damage, functionality, etc.
15. Shooters and observers must wear long pants (no shorts), long sleeve shirts, a cap or hat with a brim, and closed toed shoes.
16. Instructors and observers should stand behind the shooter and observe all safety rules.


Target shooting of any kind is inherently dangerous. ALWAYS follow safety guidelines set forth by your shooting range. Shoot at your own risk.

We recommend putting a couple of rounds on the target to see if the amount of wear is acceptable for the distance you would like to shoot it at. For pistol use place the target no closer than 25 yards. For rifle use place the target no closer than 150 yards. Always check for damage when setting up the target, move the target back if damage occurs.

Periodic inspection is important to proper maintenance of your steel targets. Check the target for any deformation and to ensure surface smoothness. Damaged steel should not be used, even with extreme caution, regardless of the distance the shooter is from the target.


Certain risks are inherent in the use of firearms and participation in live-fire training programs. In addition, the improper use of firearms in live-fire training can lead to the destruction of property, personal injury, and even death. You and your customers must follow all manufacturers’ instructions when using firearms with any Hale Outdoor Product, Inc. products.

Hale Outdoor Products are intended for use only under the close supervision and direction of a qualified firearms instructor experienced in live-fire training. The risks associated with firearms training must be carefully considered and evaluated when planning and implementing the use of any Hale Outdoor Products. Further, every firearms user must fully understand and evaluate the destructive and penetrating potential of any ammunition selected. Prior to using Hale Outdoor Products, Inc. products, the firearms user must evaluate the performance characteristics of the ammunition in use and ensure that it cannot penetrate or damage AR450 steel. If in doubt, firearms users should consult the ammunition’s manufacturer for performance characteristics.


Hale Outdoor Products, Inc. disclaims any and all liability associated with the use of firearms in association with its\’ products. While Hale Outdoor Products, Inc products are designed to reduce the risks associated with live-fire training, failure to take proper care or to adhere to appropriate safety policies and procedures could result in damage to property or serious injury or death to participants or bystanders. Hale Outdoor Products, Inc. assumes no liability for the improper use of its products or the improper use of firearms or ammunition in conjunction with its products. Every firearms user proceeds at his or her own risk and assumes liability for his or her own actions.

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