The Firearms Instructor and the Important Uses of MotoShot

The Firearms Instructor: This person carries a heavy load of responsibility in the annual training of police personnel. When working with police departments around the country, we hear how many departments’ training only covers basic “one-dimensional” exercises such as “fire and then step to the right or left” or “slow movement towards the targets” but does not include moving targets. And, if there is movement, it may be limited including pivots and turns for officers. Even many SWAT teams keep to specific range basics with limited 360 degrees of movement.

Why is that? Is it because of the emphasis on safety on the range? Is it due to range rules? Or could some of this be due to the lack of creativity firearm instructors have on the range? Ranges should always be safe, focus on accuracy, and straight on movement, but at the same time, we need to provide a more detailed exercise to assist officers in their decision-making skills.

We are now living in a world where scrutiny of officer-involved shootings has become a common theme. Documentation of police training continues to be accessed and reviewed by attorneys and judges. Firearms instructors should continuously keep records of not just “qualification scores” of their officers but also outlines of the training objectives that include case law-specific firearms-related scenarios.

Firearms Instructors carry the responsibility of providing exceptional training for your personnel. Give them the best tools available to keep them confident on the streets and, if need be, in the court room.

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Using the MotoShot and Police Firearm Instructor Analysis Importance:

As a police firearms instructor for over 25 years, I have always focused on my student’s performance with firearms and tactics, regardless of where we are training with weapons.

The MotoShot Moving Target System has been a pivotal part of our company’s training mission. For example, in a use of force scenario, MotoShot allows us to provide a deep analysis of what individuals, and multiple officers, do when given this critical tactical exercise.

When working with MotoShot we explain and define the purpose of scenarios, at the same time, giving the officers multiple observation stimuli to look, react and respond to. The MotoShot, when utilized properly, provides an added dimension for police officer decision-making situations. Some ranges have pre-constructed turning target systems in place and the ones that are more functional are inside the indoor ranges. Outdoor ranges with turning target systems tend to break down more due to inclement weather and parts breaking. With the MotoShot, police agencies can take the system to designated training ranges (if they do not have their own range) as well as in buildings to act as a training aid for scenario-based training exercises.

In closing, here are some final ideas of training as a firearms instructor and the MotoShot system:

Set up the performance objective for the participants to complete. Use our 3 D’s principles of important instruction:

  • Describe: Describe the objective with the scenario and what you hope the participants will accomplish
  • Demonstrate: Show your participants specific techniques, skills, and what you, the instructor, are looking for them to complete successfully. The MotoShot does not give away what the actual targets are on the MotoShot but provides the synopsis of the exercise.
  • Direct: Have them perform the training exercise with you and your instructors keeping a strong eye on each student, their tactics, techniques, and skills while the main MotoShot instructor operator puts the system in motion. The MotoShot can be solo or you can have added static targets set in place to give multiple stimuli to the operators.
    Upon completion of exercises, make sure all weapons are clear and safe (if on the range). If training in structure areas of buildings, all weapons would be already clear and safe prior to commencement of training exercises. If using training munitions, be sure to have weapons on safe and firearms holstered.

Conduct briefing of officers’ actions, responses, and overall performance and always advise them of the purpose behind the exercises and how it applies to their everyday street performance.

These types of training exercises with the MotoShot will give officers much more confidence in their tactical use of force responses and skills. Remember, you as the firearms instructor carry the responsibility of the training you provide for your personnel. Give them the best tools available to keep them confident on the streets and if need be, in the courtroom.

If you have any questions or would like a quote – contact us today.

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