Introduction Into MotoShot Robot Operations

Purpose: The purpose of this training is to introduce the student to the basic movement and capabilities of the Motoshot Robot. This may be the first time the student has encountered a moving target and care must be taken to educate the student into the inherent risks of a moving target. The instructor will provide the lesson plan to the student prior to any training outlining the Course of Fire (COF.) The ratio of student to instructor will be 2: to 1: on this COF.

Students will be able to observe and engage the robot as it emerges from behind a barricade at 25 yards. The Student will assess the threat and deploy appropriate countermeasures to neutralize the threat. The instructor will make note of the students’ ability to properly recover and notify dispatchers of officer and suspect injury status if applicable, appropriate supervisors, medical first responders, and responding officers.

Participants will show comprehension and ability through demonstration of learned skills in evolutions.

Training Aids:
Video review of the COF (If applicable.) Demonstration of “Red Guns,” Tasers, Pepper Spray, and Impact Weapons by instructors if applicable. Consider exposing students to ancillary distractions such as sirens, airhorns, or crowd noise.

Prior to Physical Application of Skills:
Utilize video footage of instructors demonstrating physical contact with the robot.

Positioning: Two instructors, one with student observing skills, the other operating the robot:
Instructor(S) 2 and 1 student will:

● Describe and demonstrate the student’s areas of responsibility.
● Describe and demonstrate proper recovery and verbalization.
● Describe how the robot will react with specific lethal and non-lethal tactics.
● Put the student into a position of no available cover. Position the robot behind cover at 25 yards to conceal the robot’s threat level. The robot operator will deploy the robot from behind cover with a prop weapon in the hand of the robot.
● Post encounter, remind students of proper recovery.

Talking Points:
As the student approaches the scenario, he or she should be making note of cover or concealment, innocent bystanders, other potential threats, and proper verbalization with the robot.

Drill #1:

Instruct the student to move forward on the firing line and engage the target as appropriate. As the robot emerges from behind cover with a firearm the instructor will yell, “Threat!”

Drill #2:

Instruct the student to again move forward on the firing line. This time the robot will emerge with a knife. The instructor can opt not to yell threats and can coach the student to the best course of action given the surroundings. Proper verbalization will be the test in this scenario. The robot operator can opt to close on the student or comply with student commands.

Drill #3:

Instruct the student to move forward on the firing line, the student will notice the robot is visible and has its back to the officer. The robot will turn and confront the officer and begin moving towards the student. The student will engage the robot with verbal commands or lawful requests. The robot operator will either comply with student commands or continue to close in on the student.

Note: Instructors will provide students with the reason for the encounter as well as approach considerations and department policy as it relates to use of force tactics. These scenarios are intended to provide customers with examples of training ideas. They should not be considered a bona fied training curriculum. Law enforcement agencies should consult with local or state training professionals to ensure compliance with local ordinances and state statutes.

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